For summer 2024 I'm offering only one workshop for July and August. Check back in September for autumn offerings.
Writers’ Collaborative Workshop (4 weeks each)
In this hands-on workshop, participants share writing for feedback and engage in discussion of the writing craft and profession at all levels, including the writing process, developing ideas, audience and reader engagement. Each week each participant reads an excerpt of work-in-progress for constructive critique and collaborative learning. Learn through works-in-progress and discuss the writing process, effective revision techniques, and targeting specific genres and markets. Time and length limit to excerpts are dependent on group size.
Meets: Mondays, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Location: Naples Center (704 Goodlette-Frank Rd N, Suite 330, Naples, Fla.) & online via Zoom
Cost: $120
Workshop #1 – July 8, 15, 22, 29
Workshop #2 – August 5, 12, 19, 26
Go to https://fgcuacademy.asapconnected.com/#CourseGroupID=35832 or call 239-434-4737 to register.