These September classes are the last of the "summer" catalog. (The Fall catalogue is slated for October.) I'll also share news of these and others during the monthly "Writers Happy Hour"/Writers Salon on Fridays via Zoom (details in the latest WIP Tips newsletter) and at LisaWrobleWriting on Facebook.
Writers’ Collaborative ONLINE Workshop (4 weeks)
Wednesdays, September 9, 16, 23, 30 at 1:00–3:00 pm
Course ID: WB0185
Cost: $95
LIMITED TO 10 participants. Audience is one of the most important aspects of writing. Share the content of yours with like-minded, aspiring authors in a constructive, acceptance-oriented, and vibrant writing group. In this hands-on workshop, participants will share writing for feedback and also engage in discussion of the writing craft and profession at all levels, including the writing process, developing ideas, audience and reader engagement, effective revision techniques, and targeting specific genres and markets. Each week every participant reads an excerpt of work-in-progress for constructive critique and collaborative learning.
Click to register.
Preparing Your Publishing Pitch ONLINE workshop (4 weeks)
Fridays, September 11, 18, 25, October 2 at 1:00-3:00 pm
Course ID: WB0187
Cost: $95
LIMITED TO 10 participants. Is your manuscript revised and polished? Are you ready to submit to editors or agents? In this course you will learn the next steps in the writing process: how to find publishers for your project—whether writing articles or books; how to find and understand submission guidelines; and how to determine what editors/agents want in a query/submission pitch. We will also work on preparing the submission package—from query letters to synopsis and manuscript samples. Finally, we will explore contract basics and what to expect once your writing is accepted. Students will have the opportunity to submit pitch materials for critique and feedback.
Click to register.
Registration open for ACE PROGRAM CLASSES (Adult & Community Education, Collier County Public Schools)
Writing Short Stories — 6 weeks
Wednesdays 3:30-5:30 p.m. | Sept. 16, 23, 30, Oct. 7, 14, 21
Location: Lorenzo Walker Technical College (LWTC)
In this course, designed for beginners or anyone wishing to explore short stories, participants will learn from published examples while applying short fiction techniques to their own writing. We will explore conflict, characterization, viewpoint, and description as they contribute to plot. Tips on using viewpoint and sensory detail to engage readers as well as story length and structure, will be covered. Click here for registration details. Or call 239-377-1234 Course ID: 2140004 Cost: $89
Writing Memoir, Personal Experience, and Family Stories — 6 weeks
Thursdays 6:00-8:00 p.m. | Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22
Location: Lorenzo Walker Technical College (LWTC)
Have you led an exciting life? Have a rich genealogy? Enjoy sharing past experiences? This class will help you navigate through the islands of your memory as you learn to select and develop key events from your past, focus on the people and drama, and incorporate description for reader engagement. Click here for registration details. Or call 239-377-1234 Course ID: 2140002 Cost: $89
WCA members of JFGN, watch for your Fall course bulletin.
I'm offering 5 levels of Memoir again to begin January 2021. All classes offered through WCA and meet at the Jewish Federation of Collier County offices on Vanderbilt Beach Road in Naples. (We've arranged to use Zoom as an alternate ONLY IF COVID-19 issues mandate it.) Check your WCA bulletin this fall for registration information and details.
Level I/II--open to new members: Sharing Life's Journey Through Memoir/Writing From the Heart | meets Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Level III (pre-requisite, Level II): More Writing From the Heart | meets Tuesdays 12:00-2:00 p.m.
Level IV (pre-requisite, Level III): Advanced Memoir Part 2| meets Wednesdays 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Level V (pre-requisite, Level IV): Advanced Memoir Part 3 | meets Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m.