New fiction, life stories, and revision classes in Naples, FL
Writing Workshop at Renaissance Academy
Click here to register for Renaissance Academy courses.
Writing Fiction: Genre Details (2 weeks)
Wednesdays April 8 & 15 – 1:30-3 p.m. at Naples Center
Enrollment is limited to 12 participants. Do you enjoy reading and writing short stories? In this short course, you will learn about the various genres of short stories and what elements define them. For example, there are subcategories such as cozy, detective, or police procedure within the mystery category. We will also discuss what details to consider when you are writing for a specific genre.
Course: NC6656 | $39 members / $45 non-members
Click here to register for Renaissance Academy courses.
ACE (Adult & Community Ed) Courses
You must now pre-register for all ACE courses. (Classes with insufficient enrollment cancel 48 hours ahead of start date.)
TUESDAYS 3:30-5:30
Writing Short Stories--April 21, 28, May 5, 12-- 4 weeks
Do you enjoy reading short stories? Would you like to write fiction but don’t have time to devote to a novel? Write a short story! In this class, designed for beginners or anyone wishing to explore short stories, participants will learn from published examples while applying short fiction techniques to their own writing. Through hands-on writing exercises they will harness ideas and write a short story in three stages. We’ll explore conflict, characterization, viewpoint, and description as they contribute to plot. Tips on using viewpoint and sensory detail to engage readers, as well as story length and structure will be covered. ($69) Click to register.
Writing Fiction: Genre Details--May 19, 26 -- 2 weeks
Do you enjoy reading and writing short stories? Do you also love to read romance, mysteries, fantasy or science fiction? Then you’ll enjoy writing stories for those categories, called genres. But there are subcategories within each such as cozy, detective, or police procedural within the mystery category. Learn what elements classify each and details to consider when writing for each. ($39) Click to register.
TUESDAYS 6:30-8:30
Writing Memoir, Personal Experience, and Family Stories--April 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19, 26
Have you led an exciting life? Do you enjoy sharing past experiences with others? Are you working on a book of memories for your family? This class will help you navigate through the islands of your memory as you learn to select and develop key events from your past, focus on the people and drama, incorporate description and create a story arc to maintain reader interest as you craft engaging life stories to share with friends, family, and other readers. In-class exercises are designed to help students explore elements of memoir writing with class time devoted to personal projects for feedback and guidance. Writers of all levels welcome.
Click here to register.
THURSDAYS 3:30-5:30
Revision Decisions--April 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28
The real work of writing happens during the revision stage in the writing process. It's time to make decisions to rethink and develop your work-in-progress. In this workshop, participants will work with a variety of revision techniques as they polish a work-in-progress for the final stage in the writing process -- pitching to editors/agents or preparing for self-publishing. After in-class revision time, participants will share excerpts and insights to learn from each other. All types of prose are welcome, including novels, nonfiction books, memoir, personal essays, articles, and short stories. Bring a short 2-page writing sample to each class. ($89) Click to register