Collier County Adult and Community Education (Barron Collier H.S., Cougar Drive, Naples, FL)
Self-Publishing (with Kindle and other publishers): Monday evenings 6:30-8:30. Six-week sessions. Fall II term begins October 29, 2012 ($79)
Creative Writing: Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:30. Six-week sessions. Fall II term begins Oct. 30, 2012 ($79)
Nonfiction Writing: Thursday evenings 6:30-8:30. Six-week sessions. Fall II term begins Nov. 1, 2012 ($79)
For the above classes you may pre-register on the Collier Adult Ed site, or register during the first class session. Visit Collier Adult Ed for more information.
Renaissance Academy, Naples Center (Florida Gulf Coast University, 5th Ave S. and 10 Street, downtown Naples. FL)
Writer’s Collaborative Workshop — 4-week session scheduled for Wednesday mornings 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Oct. 31-Nov. 28 (no class on Nov. 21 due to Thanksgiving). Fee: $85 (member) $100 (non-members). Pre-registration required. Click here for more details.
Private mentoring, editing services, and self-publishing consultation also available. Find details at (launching soon) or submit a request on the Contact page.